
Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer with Micro Grid System

Gaurav Kumar Chaubey


Vehicles running on fossil fuel cause a significant amount of air pollution. In order to reduce the vehicle caused air pollution, electric vehicles are coming up as one of the preferred alternatives. However, the major drawback of electric vehicles is the need to charge them frequently. Therefore, long distance travel with an electric vehicle is a challenge. Thus, it necessitates the need of an ecofriendly charging system for electric vehicles. An Electrical vehicle can make use of a power transfer system to charge the on-board Rechargeable Energy Storage System (RESS – the battery) or to provide power to the electric motor. It is also possible to use wireless power transfer to charge the batteries while stationary, using charging “pads”. Both of these solutions are adequate for charging at home or in car parks but still require the vehicle to stop in an appropriate location to charge the battery. We propose an ecofriendly wireless charging system for electric vehicle which enables wireless charging of the vehicle while running on the highways. The proposed system can also be used for charging of cars in the shopping malls and other parking places.
Moreover, the proposed charging system receives required electrical energy from solar PV system and wind turbines, installed along the highways. The solar PV system and wind turbines are connected to form a microgrid system and feeds generated electrical energy to wireless charging system. The surplus electrical energy may, either be fed back to the main grid or used for highway illumination. The wireless charging system also consists of air-core transformer with its primary winding below the highway surface and secondary mounted on the vehicle. The ac power from secondary passes through rectifier and dc-dc conversion stage to produce suitable dc voltage and current for the charging of battery unit. 
 Date: 27 March 2017                                                         


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Table of Contents


1.1  The project
1.2  Methodology and Approach
1.3 Project team and partners
Functional Requirements
2.1  Introduction to Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer technologies
2.2   Qualitative considerations on the DWPT deployment
2.3   Installation of Main Grid and Micro Grid
2.4  Automatic Identification of Electrical Vehicle




Guidance for installation of DWPT equipment into vehicles

3.1 Assessment of information on key components

3.2 Secondary (pick up) coil

3.3 Control electronics
3.4 Power electronics
3.5 Vehicle control strategy and battery management system (BMS)

Power demand requirements for each vehicle

4.1 Car and HGV requirements

4.2 Power transfer rate from DWPT

  4.2.1 DWPT system layout 1
  4.2.2 DWPT system layout 2
  4.2.3 Further assumptions
4.3 Assessment of power requirements
4.4 Scenario A (medium penetration)

Conclusions and discussion

Figure No.
Figure Name
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Figure 1
Methodology overview
Figure 2
Examples of powertrains that can be used with dynamic power transfer
Figure 3
Types of power transfer solutions
Figure 4
Dynamic wireless charging topology
Figure 5
Main Grid and Mini Grid Inter Connection
Figure 6
Automatic Identification of an EV
Figure 7
Example of DWPT system layout
Figure 8
Example of DWPT layout 2
Figure 9
Power demand per mile of motorway for 30% light vehicle and 50%
Figure 10
Power demand per mile of motorway for 30% light vehicle and 50% heavy vehicle penetration at 55 mph, DWPT system layout 2

Table No.
Table Name
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Table 1
Example of DWPT system layout 1 power transfer assumptions

Table 2
Example of DWPT system layout 2 power transfer assumptions

1.1 The project
In order to avoid the most severe climate change, it is widely accepted that world-wide emission of greenhouse gases must be halved by 2050, and the Indian government has committed itself to reducing CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050. In 2013, Big amount of India’s CO2 emissions were from transport. There is a clear move towards accelerated introduction of Low Carbon Vehicles. Although the Indian and European governments’ policies are
technology agnostic and focus on supporting any technologies that are able to meet government objectives, particular attention has recently been placed on electrified vehicles, as evidenced by the DfT’s policies, such as Plugged-in-Places and Plugged-inCar/Van grants in the India which specifies what alternative fuels infrastructure should be deployed by the Member States, with particularly high targets for EV charging infrastructure in the latter. At the same time, many of the world’s leading automotive manufacturers are making significant long-term investments into electro-mobility, which are indicative of a growing and maturing market.

In 2012, major roads in England (Motorways and A-roads) carried two thirds of the traffic (65.5%), with motorways seeing continued growth since 2010. Therefore, Highways England (previously known as the Highways Agency), as operator of the Strategic Road Network (SRN), is in a prime position to facilitate and support the transition to Electric Vehicles. At the same time, the implementation of Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer (DWPT) may open up opportunities for providing additional services to the users of the SRN and, in the process, create an additional revenue stream for Highways England that can support wider implementation of this programme and therefore, higher benefits.
DWPT is being considered first (ahead of other technologies such as rapid battery charging and overhead conductive charging) for a number of reasons. It could potentially be implemented on all vehicle classes and types (unlike some conductive charging options, such as, catenary-based systems). It overcomes issues (whether real or perceived) with battery performance by receiving power on the move. Because DWPT systems can be installed under the road without any additional visible infrastructure, they do not introduce additional safety risks (collision or electrical safety) and potentially minimize the need for maintenance.
This project aims to inform Highways India of this potentially environmentally friendly solution that will provide a safe road environment for the projected growth in electric/hybrid vehicles using the Strategic Road Network.

1.2 Methodology and Approach

Figure 1: Methodology overview
Phase 1 of the project focused on undertaking a comprehensive stakeholder engagement programme with potential private and commercial vehicle and system users. During this phase the scope of the feasibility study was also finalised.
Phase 2 focused on requirements identification for the DWPT system as a whole and also on its integration into the road, different vehicle types and connection to the electric grid.
Phase 3 built on stakeholder engagement from Phase 1 and combined it with preliminary project outputs that could be shared with stakeholders to seek further, more informed feedback on attitudes towards DWPT.
Phase 4 focused on preparing for off-road trials of DWPT technology in the UK that were expected to follow the feasibility study in future stages of the research programme.
Phase 5 was dedicated to carrying out a comprehensive impacts assessment of introducing DWPT on the SRN in England. It covered environmental, economic and financial aspects for introduction of DWPT in different use cases.
1.3 Project team and partners
The novelty and complexity of the project required a multidisciplinary team of experts to fully address all of the elements of the feasibility study. TRL selected and led a team of experts from around the world to support TRL in the delivery of the aims and objectives of this study.
Functional Requirements
2.1 Introduction to Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer technologies
The main focus of this section is to identify possible DWPT technologies that would be suitable for taking forward to an off-road trial in the UK and their key characteristics / performance parameters;  identify and characterise potential other services; and analyse the impacts of dynamic DWPT on other electrical services.
Figure 2: Examples of powertrains that can be used with dynamic power transfer

For all electrified vehicle powertrain options, including hybrid powertrains, a vehicle can make use of a power transfer system to charge the on-board Rechargeable Energy Storage System (RESS – the battery) or to provide power to the electric motor. Typically, such power transfer systems are plug-in electric chargers (as shown in Figure 8a) that charge the vehicle batteries at varying levels of power (usually between 3kW and 50kW, although some, like the Tesla supercharger can go up to 120kW) while the vehicle is stationary and switched off. However, it is also possible to use wireless power transfer to charge the batteries while stationary, using charging “pads” as shown in Figure 8b. Both of these solutions are adequate for charging at home or in car parks but still require the vehicle to stop in an appropriate location to charge the battery. Dynamic power transfer is another option for supplying power to electric vehicles and, as it can be used while the vehicle is moving, it can help to reduce or eliminate issues with restricted range.  Dynamic power transfer can be either conductive (as shown in Figure 8c) or wireless (as shown in Figure 8d). It can be used to supply the electric motor with power directly or to charge the on-board RESS, or both, as shown in Figure 2.
Conductive dynamic power transfer is only practical for vehicles of a certain size (in the case of pantograph solutions) and requires a considerable amount of over ground infrastructure and cables, which could present a considerable maintenance challenge and a potential safety hazard. In the case of in-road conductive rail systems, there are some substantial issues associated with electrical safety and operational durability of such systems if deployed in the motorway environment. Therefore, for the purpose of this project, the feasibility of WPT systems is considered.

(a) Plug-in charging system

(b) Wireless power transfer, stationary state 

(c) Charging for conduction on-road (Scania)

(d) Wireless power transfer on-road (KAIST)

Figure 3: Types of power transfer solutions
2.2 Qualitative considerations on the DWPT deployment
A road equipped with a DWPT system can be represented as in Figure 9: at the roadside, substations receive electric current from the grid and they adapt it in order to feed the primary circuits embedded in the road.

Figure 4: Dynamic wireless charging topology
It is assumed that the required power transfer level from a DWPT system on a motorway is around 20kW to 40kW per vehicle for cars and light vans, and between 100kW and 180kW for trucks and coaches, based on the power required to maintain constant motorway speed.

2.3 Installation of Main Grid and Micro Grid

Main Grid and Smart Mini Grid To give supply to the power transfer loops, it will need to connect through some sustainable power supply. Both the main and smart mini grid system is going to use within the Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer technology. A Smart Mini-Grid system is an application of digital technology which optimizes electrical power generation and delivery. The system is based on the integration of multiple distributed energy resources (DERs) into the same grid. This system is also based on intelligent load and energy resource management.


Figure 5: Main Grid and Mini Grid Inter Connection

It is designed with local controllers for each of the distributed generation technologies as well as a central controller called intelligent dispatch controller (IDC) which communicates with each local controller. Whereas the local controllers ensure maximum utilization of energy resources with permissible output power, the IDC performs complex system control functions and takes critical decisions such as automating the demand response, dynamically adding or removing DERs in a seamless manner (based on the existing demand) without affecting the grid stability.

2.4 Automatic Identification of Electrical Vehicle
Figure 7 shows a typical DWPT system. A vehicle approaches the DWPT segments (orange blocks below road surface), the secondary coils on the vehicle are shown in orange between the wheels. Grid power is supplied to the DWPT system’s local power control via a local sub-station (purple lines). The power control system is in contact with a DWPT back office for control and billing purposes. Figure 60 also shows a means for the infrastructure to communicate with the vehicle before (antenna 1), during (antennas 2-4) and at the end of the DWPT segment (antenna 5). Not all DWPT systems will necessarily include this type of communications link.

Figure 6: Automatic Identification of an EV
As a vehicle equipped with DWPT approaches a segment of road equipped with the necessary power infrastructure, the infrastructure needs to recognise that a suitably equipped vehicle is approaching. This normally implies a communications channel exists between the vehicle (A) and the infrastructure (antenna 1). In the example shown in Figure, this is achieved by a radio channel. This recognition could in principal also be achieved without a communications channel, for example using an ANPR camera. Once the infrastructure has recognised the vehicle, it will have the basic information it needs to transfer power, i.e.: 
       What the power transfer capabilities of the vehicle are 
       Whether a valid account exists to pay for the power 
       Whether the vehicle requires power (the batteries may be fully charged) 
       How much power the vehicle requires (if the batteries are fully charged, the vehicle may still want to accept enough power to directly power the traction motors). 
The last two points may not be possible for a recognition system which does not employ a communications channel between the vehicle and the infrastructure.
Also shown in Figure 60 are regular communications antennas which will enable the infrastructure to continually monitor the vehicle to ensure that the power transfer is continuing correctly. As before, this is not used by all DWPT systems, so cannot be assumed to exist. Any systems which do not include the regular exchange of information between the infrastructure and the vehicle must demonstrate that fault conditions are adequately coped with. 
Assuming the infrastructure has determined that power needs to be supplied to the vehicle, it must now determine when to turn on the primary power coils. It is normally required that the primary coils are only energised when the secondary coils are a position which allows them to couple fully with the primary coils (vehicle B). This maximises both efficiency and safety by containing the magnetic fields within the space between the primary and secondary coils. It is important however to understand that not all systems may work in this way, so this cannot be assumed. 
Power will now be transferred while the vehicle drives over the primary coils. When the vehicle is not in a position which allows inductive coupling between the primary and secondary (e.g. Vehicle C), no power should be applied to the primary coil.  

Guidance for installation of DWPT equipment into vehicles
3.1 Assessment of information on key components  
There are three basic ways of implementing wireless power transfer infrastructure:
1)   Charging at base; Home, work, depot (vehicle stationary) 
2)   On road static charging (vehicle stationary) 
3)   On road dynamic power transfer (vehicle moving).
From the vehicle perspective, the key components should be the same for all wireless power transfer methods. The variations in key component parameters are associated with the type of wireless power transfer implemented, as described above, the amount of power transferred and the voltage rating of the on-board battery. Control of battery charging takes place by means of an on-board battery management system (BMS). There should be a communication link between the BMS, the on-board pick up coil and the roadside supply equipment.  
For dynamic power transfer, the vehicle control strategy is different from charging at base or static charging.  The control system needs to decide when to use WPT technology for charging the battery and/or driving the electric motor, and whether regenerative energy from vehicle braking should be prioritised over WPT for charging the battery. This section of the report focuses specifically on the on-board components of a DWPT system. The key system components that need to be fitted to the vehicle are: 
1.    Secondary pick up coil(s)
2.    Control electronics 
3.    Power electronics (e.g. rectifier, inverter) to charge the battery or power the electric traction motor.
It is likely that some of these components will be integrated into a single assembly. In addition to DWPT hardware, the control strategy within the vehicle control unit will require modification. Accurate alignment of the primary and secondary coils optimises the power transfer efficiency. Some vehicles may also include a means of assisting the driver to accurately position the on-board secondary coil to align with the in-road primary coils, although this is not considered to be an essential part of a DWPT system. 
The sections below describe requirements for each of the main components identified in more detail.
Other components which are not specifically discussed as they are not a strictly necessary part of a DWPT system, but which would be used in a fully functioning market ready solution, include:
       Communication modules – most EVs and modern vehicle have built-in communication capability so this is not considered to be a major additional component
       Billing systems / back office – there are a number of billing and back office systems already in use for applications such as congestion charging, road tolling or road pricing and mobile phone billing 
       Additional safety systems to monitor use of infrastructure – these may not be necessary and will depend on each manufacturer’s approach to ensuring safety
       Shielding from EMF – this is likely to be a necessary component but its exact specification will depend on the specific requirements of the vehicle and the DWPT system implemented
       Energy storage systems – most EVs and Hybrid vehicles already use such systems so they are not considered as components required specifically for DWPT.
3.2 Secondary (pick up) coil
The size of the secondary coil is dependent on three main factors: 
       Type of system and operating frequency. Systems based on magnetic resonance are more efficient than standard inductive charging and, as such, are likely to have smaller coils for a given power transfer rate. They are also not as dependent as the standard inductive charging system on accurate alignment of the primary and secondary coils, and can typically accommodate misalignment in the x and y axis of up to 15cm.
       Level of power transfer. Coils for aftermarket residential systems with relatively low levels of power transfer (single figure kilowatts) will be much smaller than those aimed at static and dynamic bus systems (hundreds of kilowatts). Rather than one large pad, some systems use a number of smaller pads connected in parallel.
       Air gap between the coils. The gap between the primary and secondary coils will affect the size of the secondary coil. To maintain a given power level and efficiency, as the air gap increases, the size of the secondary coil will also increase.
Based on a number of systems investigated during the project, secondary coil sizes were found to differ considerably, with the pads (housing containing the coil wires, necessary connections and any ferrite material) ranging in size from approximately 40cm x 40cm to 220cm x 90 cm. Most secondary coil assemblies were between 8 and 12 cm in thickness. 
Some manufacturers use multi-secondary coil arrangements on the vehicle in order to achieve higher levels of power pick up, using anywhere between 1 and 5 coils to achieve total power transfer of up to 140kW for DWPT.
In comparison, low power (up to 7kW) static WPT secondary coils designed for cars are much smaller, between 25cm x 25cm and 40cm x 40cm.
 3.3 Control electronics  
The control electronics consist of a low power control module based on a microcontroller. This would be a relatively small unit and would need to be powered from the vehicle 12V system when the vehicle battery is being charged. The control electronics module is likely to be based on the CAN (Controller Area Network) interface.
3.4 Power electronics
Three main factors determine the specification of the power electronics: 
              Vehicle battery voltage  
              Maximum charge current which is dependent on the ability of the vehicle battery to accept charge without overheating 
              The level of power that is transmitted by the WPT system.  
For high levels of power transfer, active cooling of the power electronics is likely. For most DWPT systems, power electronics will consist of a rectifier and a regulator. In addition, it may be necessary to include a transformer if the power from the secondary coil is used to power the traction motor directly.
Rectifiers can vary in size depending on the power level they are designed for and whether they have built-in cooling systems. They can currently comprise a single unit of approximately 80cm x 80cm x 15cm (width x depth x height) and weight of approximately 55kg, with the potential to be significantly reduced in size in future.
A DC-DC converter for low voltage power supply (and to even out the voltage and current supply) is also required.
3.5 Vehicle control strategy and battery management system (BMS) 
Accurate control of the battery State Of Charge (SOC) is essential on both hybrid and full electric vehicles in order to maximise the battery life and accurately calculate vehicle range.
Calculation of SOC is done within the battery pack by the battery management system and for this calculation it needs information regarding the energy put into the battery and taken out of the battery. For electric vehicles with a wired charging system, this is straightforward as there is only one source of energy output (to the high voltage supply network) and two mutually exclusive sources of energy input:   Energy from the electrical machine during regenerative braking  
               Energy from the battery charger.  
Regenerative braking can only occur when the vehicle is moving which is mutually exclusive with the battery charger being connected (or static charging from a wireless charging system), which can only happen when the vehicle is stationary. 
With DWPT this is not the case as it is possible that regenerative braking and DWPT could occur at the same time. This is not desirable and must be managed. This situation is analogous to hybrid vehicles where energy can be supplied from regenerative braking and the combustion engine simultaneously. Under this condition the control strategy within the vehicle control unit decides on which source of energy is best used to charge the battery or power the motors. For battery electric vehicles this function is not present and would need to be added if the vehicle is to support DWPT.
Furthermore, currently, charging protocols used by all EVs for the on-board charger that is connected to external power supply dictate that the vehicle must be stationary when the vehicle is receiving power form an external source. This is a fail-safe measure designed to prevent vehicles from driving off while they are being charged. For DWPT, a new interface would need to exist, in addition to the plug-in charging interface, to allow power to be transmitted to the vehicle while it is moving. 

Power demand requirements for each vehicle
This section describes the power demand requirements for different vehicle types and differing scenarios on the SRN. Power demand requirements were estimated using DfT and TRL data sets in order to understand potential power demand from a DWPT equipped motorway. Using data obtained at earlier stages in the project and data from partner organisations, a high level model was used to understand variations in power demand. A sensitivity analysis was used to understand the variations that will be created by differing traffic conditions (traffic density) by time of day.
It is necessary to understand how much power is required by different vehicle types in order to maintain their speed on the motorway of up to 70mph. In order to be useful, DWPT systems will need to be able to supply power at least at this level to the vehicles. If less power is available then the vehicle will need to use additional power from other sources, such as an on-board ICE, rechargeable energy storage system (REES) or a Fuel Cell. This would result in the vehicle either not being able to maintain 100% electric traction, thereby using additional fuel, or, using energy stored in their REES. If more power is available than the vehicle requires, then it is possible that an on-board REES can be charged while providing full traction to the vehicle.   

4.1 Car and HGV requirements

The power requirements from a typical modern EV family car (the Nissan Leaf is used as a representative vehicle) at different constant speeds were calculated and are shown in Table 12. This shows both the power required for traction to maintain the constant speed, and the power required from the grid, which accounts for the various losses incurred between the grid and the traction motor. The wheel to grid efficiency is assumed to be 73% when the DWPT is used to provide traction power to the vehicle. At constant speed, the variation in the kinetic energy is zero, and the energy required for acceleration is not included in the table. It can be observed that at 50 mph the vehicle requires about 12 kW from the grid to maintain a constant speed, and that the power requirement more than doubles if the speed rises to 70 mph. This is due to a non-linear increase in air resistance with higher vehicle speed, thus requiring more power to maintain the speed.
Table 1: Car or light vehicle energy demand under various constant speeds
Speed (mph)
Speed (m/s)
Power requirement
for traction
Traction energy per km (kWh)
Power demand from the grid (kW)

Air resistance is even more important for HGVs, due to the less aerodynamic shape of the vehicle. As the speed increases, the air resistance increases and becomes the dominant cause of energy consumption beyond 55 mph. The Scania R-series truck was used as a typical HGV for which, as shown in Table 13, the power demand from the grid is about 175 kW when travelling at 55 mph. 
Table 2: HGV energy demand under various constant speeds

Speed (mph)
Speed (m/s)
Power requirement for traction (kW)
Traction energy per km
Power demand
from the
Grid (kW)


4.2 Power transfer rate from DWPT

In order to explore what power is to be provided by the grid, it is important to consider not only the power requirements of the vehicles but also the maximum power that can be delivered by a DWPT system. Based on the information available about the systems reviewed, it is apparent that for different systems there is a different combination of power supply, power transfer segment length (that can only be occupied by a single vehicle) and gaps between power transfer segments.
Two different topologies for system layout are described below.
4.2.1 DWPT system layout 1
In the example layout shown in Figure 8, each segment can be occupied by up to two different vehicles, separated by approximately 25 m. 

Figure 7: Example of DWPT system layout

Each vehicle can receive a maximum of 100 kW. Because the analysis is focussed on future scenarios, an assumption is made that both light vehicles and heavy vehicles can use the same infrastructure, which would result in them drawing different levels of power from the grid. These are summarised in Table 14 below. It should be noted that a more detailed investigation of how a vehicle powertrain could deal with the amount of power provided by DWPT can be found in Section 6).
The table shows that light vehicles similar to the Nissan Leaf would use 14.6 kW for maintaining 55 mph speed on the motorway. Vans and larger light vehicles would likely require more power to maintain speed. The model assumes that up to 40 kW is transferred to the on-board vehicle coil. Power that is not used for maintaining speed would be used to charge the battery. For HGVs, 175 kW of power is required to maintain this speed. This is more than is available from system layout 1.

Table 1: Example of DWPT system layout 1 power transfer assumptions
Vehicle class
Traction power required from grid at 55mph
Assumed power
received by
Assumed power drawn
from the grid
Light vehicles (car or van)
Up to
The traction power value is based on a car (specifically the Nissan Leaf). Vans would likely require more traction power than the stated 14.6kW. Any spare power is assumed to be used for charging batteries on the move. 
Heavy vehicles (Trucks or coaches)
This category includes a large variety of vehicles. Medium sized trucks and coaches are likely to not require more than 100kW. Very heavy vehicles, such as articulated lorries will likely need an additional source of power on-board the vehicle.

4.2.2 DWPT system layout 2
In the example layout shown in Figure 33, each segment can be occupied by up to one vehicle only. The distance between segments is short compared to the segment length, of the order of 2 to 5 m.

Figure 8: Example of DWPT layout 2
The gap between vehicles has to be maintained at 40 m in order to avoid the system switching off due to the presence of a non-equipped vehicle. Each vehicle can receive a maximum of 140 kW. As previously, an assumption is made that both light vehicles and heavy vehicles can use the same infrastructure, which would result in them drawing different levels of power from the grid. These are summarised in Table 15. It should be noted that a more detailed investigation of how a vehicle powertrain could deal with the amount of power provided by DWPT can be found in Section 6).  

Table 15: Example of DWPT system layout 2 power transfer assumptions
Vehicle class
Traction power required from grid at 55mph
Assumed power
received by
Assumed power drawn
from the grid
Light                14.6kW
(car           or
Up 40kW
to 51kVA
The traction power value is based on a car (specifically the Nissan Leaf). Vans would likely require more power than stated 14.6kW. Any spare power is assumed to be used for charging batteries on the move. 

Heavy              175kW
vehicles (Trucks or coaches)
This category includes a large variety of vehicles. Medium sized trucks and coaches are likely to not require more than 140kW. Very heavy vehicles, such as articulated lorries will likely need an additional source of power on-board the vehicle.

4.2.3 Further assumptions 
In order to estimate total power demand it is necessary to define a specific use case by making a series of assumptions about how a DWPT system may be deployed in an operational environment. The use case situation we have chosen to illustrate is listed below: 
       A single lane of motorway is equipped with a WPT system (left lane) 
       Only data from three lane motorways is used in order to maintain consistency with maximum traffic density  o Data from MIDAS points on M6, M42, M69, M6 toll are used 
       Maximum vehicle flows are the maximum number recorded within one hour of data
       Secondary coil to grid efficiency is 80% 
       Power factor is 0.972 
       All vehicles are prepared to travel at 55mph maximum speed when charging.

4.3 Assessment of power requirements

One of the largest sources of uncertainty in this analysis is the assumed penetration rates of equipped vehicles. There is no data on which the penetration can be estimated as there are no precedents for the adoption of such vehicle technology. Therefore, two scenarios were created that represent a medium level of take up and a high level of take up of the technology by vehicle users and operators. Furthermore, it also assumed that the deployment of DWPT systems would be targeting the users that could benefit most from the technology. As the provisional findings from the preliminary benefits to cost ratio analysis suggest that the benefit of the system is proportional to the total annual mileage driven, vehicles with the highest mileage could therefore benefit the most. As a result, an assumption is made that a higher proportion of high-mileage fleet vehicles (such as long haul trucks and heavy coaches) will be equipped with DWPT capability than cars and vans. Assumptions for DWPT capability penetration rates are summarised below: 
       Scenario A (medium penetration)  o Light vehicles: 30%  o Heavy vehicles: 50% 
       Scenario B (high penetration)  o Light vehicles: 50% 
       Heavy vehicles: 75%.
The sections below describe the expected power demand for each scenario based on the assumptions and the method outlined in preceding sections.
4.4 Scenario A (medium penetration)
Figure 10 and Figure 11 below illustrate power demand profiles for layout 1 and layout 2.

Figure 9: Power demand per mile of motorway for 30% light vehicle and 50%
heavy vehicle penetration at 55 mph, DWPT system layout 1

Figure 10: Power demand per mile of motorway for 30% light vehicle and 50% heavy vehicle penetration at 55 mph, DWPT system layout 2
Analysis of the expected demand profiles shows that the average power demand generally follows the same profile as road traffic, with an increase during the morning peak and then continued demand at a lower baseline with another increase towards the evening peak and then a drop towards night time. It should be noted that the average demand profile is very similar for both DWPT system layout examples, having similar peak values at around 0.5MVA and is constant through the day between 0.3 and 0.4MVA per mile.
However, the maximum power demand profiles are substantially different between the two system layout examples. In the case of system layout 1 (Figure 10), there is a very pronounced morning peak, reaching 4MVA per mile, and then a sharp drop to around 1.5MVA followed by a smaller evening peak of approximately 3MVA. This profile suggests that system layout 1 is sensitive to fluctuations in vehicle densities per mile section of the motorway. Due to the relatively high number of individual power transfer segments in this layout, up to 64 segments per mile, vehicle density becomes the dominant factor determining maximum power demand. Closer examination of the results shows that the highest utilisation of power transfer segments is 82% (equivalent to approximately 53 of the available power transfer segments being occupied during that hour). As the vehicle density reduces, so does the total maximum power demand. 
System layout 2 generates a different maximum power demand profile, as seen in Figure 33. This is more uniform between the morning and evening traffic peaks, with the maximum power demand in the morning reaching just over 2MVA, continuing at around 2MVA for the rest of the day and increasing towards 2.5MVA in the evening peak before dropping at night. The maximum power demand is lower than for system layout 1. This is due to layout 2 having fewer (but longer) individual power transfer segments per mile of motorway, up to 36 segments. Therefore, the system reaches high levels of utilisation more quickly, and on numerous occasions reaches a point where more vehicles require power transfer than there are available segments. This is the limiting factor for system layout 2 where 100% utilisation is reached between the hours of 7am and 10am. So, although there are more vehicles present on that stretch of the motorway able to use the system, they are not able to draw power due to lack of available power transfer segments. This is an important limitation to bear in mind because during later stage of adoption when DWPT vehicle penetration is high, inability to guarantee power to vehicles using DWPT because of close proximity of other vehicles may have a significant negative impact on battery electric vehicle range relying on the DWPT system.
The difference between the two example layouts only manifests itself when considering maximum power demand because there are instances under these conditions when utilisation exceeds 100%. When looking at average power demand, the profiles are very similar because utilisation is far below 100% on average, meaning that it does not become a limiting factor for either layout and so the profiles are similar to that of average vehicle flow rates. System layout 2 has a slightly higher average power demand due to the slightly higher power transfer capability per segment.
These values depend on all vehicles using the DWPT lane travelling at 55mph. This speed has been selected as a limiting factor in that, above this speed, overcoming air resistance becomes the dominant power draw. This is also the approximate speed limit for HGVs on the UK road network. In assuming this value for HGVs, and that there is a single lane equipped with DWPT technology, it becomes the case that light vehicles must also travel at this speed if they are to using this lane to charge.

Conclusions and discussion

Following a review of the impacts that would need to be taken into account in a costbenefit analysis of DWPT, it was concluded that a full appraisal would need to consider the following:
               Costs to the ‘broader transport budget’ (Highways England):
o    The DWPT equipment costs and installation o A connection to the distribution grid o Maintenance o User administration and ‘back office costs’ o Electricity charges from the grid
               Indirect taxation impacts on central government finances:
o    Loss of fuel duty 
o    Loss of VAT on fuel saved by private users 
               Business impacts:
o    The cost of DWPT vehicles in comparison with conventional ones o Fuel cost savings 
               Social impacts:
o    The cost of DWPT vehicles in comparison with conventional ones o Fuel cost savings 
               Environmental impacts:
o    The ‘non traded’ carbon price of CO2 savings (taking account of CO2 emissions from electricity production)
o    The monetised benefits of reduced NOx and PM emissions (which vary according to the exposed population and background air quality)
For the purpose of this report costs to business and users were not calculated. Such a calculation would also require information on the likely cost of DWPT vehicles, for which there is currently very little robust information. This report therefore focuses on assessing what the costs of providing a DWPT system might be under a chosen scenario, to both transport budgets and central government finances, and the monetised environmental benefits from reduced emissions.
For the chosen scenario, based on steadily increased penetration of DWPT vehicles into the traffic mix of representative sections of motorway, the following conclusions were reached (for a 20 year appraisal period):

               The Net Present Value of construction and operating costs, per km, would be 1200 M, of which infrastructure costs (which includes the 60% ‘optimism bias’) account for 30% and electricity 70%.
               In this scenario, the NPV of monetised CO2 savings would be nearly 10000M per km, equivalent to half the capital cost. This corresponds to approximately 45% reduction in emissions compared with the ‘without DWPT’ case.
               Local emissions of NOx and PM would be reduced, in this scenario, by approximately 35% and 40% respectively. The NPV monetised value of these reductions would be less than £100k, except in areas where populations are exposed to poor air quality. Where the NO2 limit is exceeded, the value of NOx reductions would rise to over a million pounds per km over the appraisal period, although this would not be expected to apply to more than a few locations on the SRN.
               There would be a reduction of around ₹1000M in central government revenue, because of the ‘loss’ of fuel duty and VAT from reduced fuel consumption. This is greater than the capital costs of the fixed infrastructure.
A number of other potential impacts were identified qualitatively, but were not considered further because of a lack of information. However, some would require further investigation as part of any assessment of a proposed scheme, in particular any relating to the maintenance implications of the road, and potential changes in road user behaviour, or demand for transport that might occur.
Uncertainties and limitations in the model
It is important to bear in mind that the model outputs are based upon current forecasts of fuel and electricity prices, assumptions that could change significantly in the longer term, particularly if, for example, the need to reduce carbon emissions more quickly leads to the introduction of carbon pricing in transport.
As noted above, the costs to users have not been assessed in this report. To do this it will necessary to understand more about the DWPT vehicles themselves, both in terms of their performance as well as their costs:
              The technology is not yet commercially developed so a market price has not yet emerged. Whatever the technologies adopted, unit costs will be significantly lower than those in any experimental vehicles, especially at the high uptake rates used in the later years of our scenarios.
              It is not clear what will be the ‘baseline’ vehicle against which DWPT costs should be compared. If tighter emissions regulations in the future make ICE vehicles more expensive, or lead to a greater push towards hybrid and EV technology, then the price ‘gap’ to DWPT capability will be greatly reduced.
              The model is based upon representative values for only two vehicle types: HGV and light vehicles, the latter being based upon power consumption for a car. There remains considerable uncertainty on how LGVs might be adapted for DWPT, whether as compatible EVs, as is assumed for cars, or as hybrids, as assumed for HGVs.
              The widespread availability of DWPT could influence the design and hence costs of EV and hybrid vehicles, potentially reducing the size of the battery needed for full EVs or the maximum diesel engine power needed for a hybrid, if motorway running could be largely shifted to DWPT operation. 
There are other drivers that could support a business case, in particular the growing need for low and zero emission vehicles in urban areas. If a broader environmental case such as this is being made for buying an EV or plug in hybrid, then the availability of DWPT on motorways will support that case, as the running costs per km will be lower than for a conventional vehicle even at the higher mark-ups on electricity charges considered in this study.

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